Most of you know that we have a beautiful poster printer. However, many of you have not used it. So, today's tip is a quick tutorial on how to create and print a poster using this tool. A PDF of this tutorial is located just above the poster printer in the RC for your reference.
Here we go:
- Begin by designing your poster; Pages is recommended, but it can be done in any program. If you are wanting to convert a PDF into a poster, you’ll need to first open a blank document in Pages.
- The poster printer prints images that are 24” wide. They can be as long as you desire, but the width is fixed.
- You can start by opening pages and choosing a blank document.
- Go to the File Menu and select Page Set Up. Click on the Paper Size and then go to Manage Custom Sizes.
- You will need to change your document’s size from regular to 24” by the length; usually 24” by 36” is a perfect size.
If you have a PDF or an image that you want to insert into your poster, you can simply drag it to the document once it has been resized. If you go to View and then Zoom you can choose Fit Page and the entire poster will be visible. This lets you get a sense of its size and the layout that you are creating.
- Resize the image/PDF as needed.
- When you are done, you will need to select the poster printer from the available printers and you are done!
Now that you know how easy it is, I hope more of you will try this fantastic resource!