Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Todd's Tuesday Technology Tips #30: How Old Are You?

Hello Colleagues,

Happy Tuesday!

I can imagine some really cool uses of the website called, "How Old Am I?"
This site will tell you your age or whoever you are interested in seeing their age.  However, it's not just in years, it will also do it in days, weeks, minutes and even seconds.  The site also can count down until your next birthday and more!

1.  Go to Age Calculator

2.  Use the menus to enter your birth date (you can even put the time in if you know it.)

3.  Click the "Find Your Age" button.

  Inline image 1

4.  That's it!

How might you use this tool with students?  
If you have an idea, please leave it in the comment section so others can learn more too!


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Todd's Tuesday Tech Tip #29 Gmail Cheat Sheet

Dear Colleagues,

Have you found yourself wondering if there was a way to 'speed up' your work with Gmail?  Well, look no longer, I have the perfect tool for those of you who want to speed it up!

This tip, comes from a fellow blogger who runs a blog called Educational Technology and Mobile Learning.

This tip is called the minimalist Gmail cheat sheet.

Check it out:

Personally, I can never remember all of these.  However, if you look through the list of shortcuts, there might be one or two of them that click for you.  My suggestion:  print this out and keep it near your computer that you do most of your e-mail correspondence.  

As always, I love to hear from you.  If you find this or other tools helpful, let me know.  Have an idea for a tip that you would like to have? Let me know.  I'll be most happy to research it and prepare a Todd's Tuesday Tip for it.

Thanks and have a great week!