Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Todd's Tuesday Tech Tips #11: Keeping Kids Safe Online

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to Todd's Tuesday Tech Tip #11:  Keeping Kids Safe Online.

We all know that the internet can be an amazing tool for positive uses.  We also know that the internet can be a dark and dirty place where lots of negative can occur.

We are tasked with keeping kids safe when they are online, and that's what today's post is all about.

Here at school, we have filters in place that, for the most part, protect kids from seeing inappropriate content or visiting websites that are not school appropriate.  But what happens when the students aren't at school?  How can we teach kids to be their 'own' filtering system for those times when the internet is 'open' and parameters are not there?

To me, this is probably one of the most important lessons we can teach our children because there are going to be time when they sit down at a computer, at a friend's house, at the public library or any other place where controls may or may not be in place.  And, those controls may or may not match up with your personal beliefs and desires for your or other's children.

The first place to look is at your computer's 'built in' tools.  If you are working on a Mac, this is a pretty easy process.

Here is a link to the Apple page that describes how to set up Parental Controls.  I was actually pretty amazed at how much you can 'limit' on a Mac.  You can set up the following parental controls on your Mac:

1.  Limit the apps your child can use.
2.  Limit internet access
3.  Limit Game Center, Messages, and Mail Contacts
4.  Limit Computer time

I also found this article helpful.  It goes into a bit more specifics on how to tweak the parental controls.  

However, no matter what parental controls you put on your computer, kids are really smart.  They are going to figure out your passwords or find other ways to get around the controls.  In my opinion, what is MOST important is to develop a healthy respect for the internet with your child and to have an open dialogue about 'WHY' you are trying to limit their exposure in the first place.  

Here at HWS, we use a variety of tools to teach kids about being safe online.  One of our favorites is Brain Pop Jr.'s presentation on Digital Citizenship.  Additionally, we really like the resources available online at CommonSenseMedia.org In addition to fantastic resources for both home and school, they have 'games' that help reinforce the concepts that are most important.  

Finally, here is a video that should remind all of us about the perils of the internet.  One thing we share with kids is, once it is put 'out there' it is forever there.  There really is no 'undo' button on the internet.  

I hope that some of these tools have proven helpful for you both at home and inside your classroom.

Have a great Thanksgiving!


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