Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Todd's Tuesday Tech Tip #16: Using Google Drive's Document to Take Notes

Dear Colleagues,
For years now we've been teaching a variety of research skills to our students.  We wan them to know how to cite their sources, develop bibliographies and summarize.  These skills remain critically important.  But what happens when you need to take some notes or do some research and you have very little time?  Well, what usually happens for me is that I do a poor job of documenting my resources and end up having to go back and do the work all over again. 

Through sites like easybib and noodle tools, it is now much simpler to keep track of sites and sources while developing a robust bibliography.  However, that often means having to open another tab, etc. 

Now, there is a super easy and FREE way to take quick notes and note all sources.  If you are familiar with Google Drive, then you know that it allows you to create and share documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, surveys, etc.  I've created step by step instructions for how to use the 'Documents' tab to take notes. 

Here is the one paragraph version of the tutorial.  In Documents, you now can, with one click, note the sources of facts, images and other resources. 
Sound appealing?  Take five minutes and work through the tutorial.  I think you will find it is worth it!
Here is the Google Doc:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kCqCIP_95I2FpJDG8W94JByeqJG1X3jvW7fCNhLmXVk/edit?usp=sharing

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